



Say I have an enum which is just

public enum Blah {
  A, B , C, D

and I would like to find the enum value of a string of for example "A" which would be Blah.A. How would it be possible to do this?

Is the Enum.ValueOf() the method I need? If so, how would I use this?

+37  A: 

Yes, Blah.valueOf("A") will give you Blah.A.

The static methods valueOf() and values() are created at compile time and do not appear in source code. They do appear in Javadoc, though; for example, Dialog.ModalityType shows both methods.

Michael Myers
+5  A: 

You should also be careful with your case. Let me explain: doing Blah.valueOf("A") works, but Blah.valueOf("a") will not work. Then again Blah.valueOf("a".toUpperCase()) would work.

João Portela
+3  A: 

Using Blah.valueOf(string) is best but you can use Enum.valueOf(Blah.class, string) as well.

Peter Lawrey
Um, didn't you notice you had already posted essentially the same answer...
Um, no let me fix that.
Peter Lawrey
+7  A: 

Here's a nifty utility I use:

 * A common method for all enums since they can't have another base class
 * @param <T> Enum type
 * @param c enum type. All enums must be all caps.
 * @param string case insensitive
 * @return corresponding enum, or null
public static <T extends Enum<T>> T getEnumFromString(Class<T> c, String string)
    if( c != null && string != null )
            return Enum.valueOf(c, string.trim().toUpperCase());
        catch(IllegalArgumentException ex)
    return null;

Then in my enum class I usually have this to save some typing:

public static MyEnum fromString(String name)
    return getEnumFromString(MyEnum.class, name);

If your enums are not all caps, just change the Enum.valueOf line.

Too bad I can't use T.class for Enum.valueOf as T is erased.

Geoffrey Zheng
That empty catch block really drives me nuts, sorry.
+9  A: 

Another solution if the text is not the same to the enumeration value:

public enum Blah {

  private String text;

  Blah(String text) {
    this.text = text;

  public String getText() {
    return this.text;

  public static Blah fromString(String text) {
    if (text != null) {
      for (Blah b : Blah.values()) {
        if (text.equalsIgnoreCase(b.text)) {
          return b;
    return null;
`throw new IllegalArgumentException("No constant with text " + text + " found")` would be better than `return null`.