



What is the best way to start developing Windows Mobile Professional applications in Python? Is there a reasonable SDK including an emulator? Is it even possible without doing excessive amount of underlaying Windows API calls for UI for instance?

+6  A: 
Missing Link:
+1  A: 

If the IronPython and .Net Compact Framework teams work together, Visual Studio may one day support Python for Windows Mobile development out-of-the-box. Unfortunately, this feature request has been sitting on their issue tracker for ages...

+7  A: 

(I used to write customer apps for Windows Mobile.)

Forget about python. Even if it's technically possible:

  • your app will be big (you'll have to bundle the whole python runtime with your app)
  • your app will use lots of memory (python is a memory hog, relative to C/C++)
  • your app will be slow
  • you wont find any documentation or discussion groups to help you when you (inevitably) encounter problems

Go with C/C++ (or C#). Visual Studio 2005/2008 have decent tools for those (SDK for winmo built-in, debugging on the emulator or device connected through USB), the best documentation is for those technologies plus there are active forums/discussion groups/mailing lists where you can ask for help.

Krzysztof Kowalczyk
also for people that haven't done much/any mobile/embedded development... they need to remeber that speed and memory are big issues. You are not working on a multi-GHz system that has several GB of RAM. Most mobiles may have upwards of 400MHz processes and maybe 256MB of RAM.
Matthew Whited
+1  A: 

Just found this:

Looks like a complete set of .CAB files to provide Python on Windows Mobile.
