I have some charts I've copied over from an identical workbook, but the source data for each chart (42 charts, with 6 series in each) still contains the full filename path. The source sheet and cells are identical, so I just want to find the path string and replace it with "". However, I can't find a way to get the name of the sourcedata (as it appears in the refedit box). From there, I can replace what I need to.
What we have is this:
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = "='C:\[oldfile.xls]Charts.Data'!R1C17:R1C28"
And I just want to get the part in "" as a string, and perform my function to remove the filepath. If I try and get a string from it, ie:
sourcestring = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values
I get an error; it seems VBA considers it an array when reading from it, but can use a string when assigning to it. Any ideas?