I don't think I was specific enough last time. Here we go:
I have a hex string:
742713478fb3c36e014d004100440041004 e0041004e00000060f347d15798c9010060 6b899c5a98c9014d007900470072006f007 500700000002f0000001f7691944b9a3306 295fb5f1f57ca52090d35b50060606060606
The last 20 bytes should (theoretically) contain a SHA1 Hash of the first part (complete string - 20 bytes). But it doesn't match for me.
Trying to do this with PHP, but no luck. Can you get a match?
742713478fb3c36e014d004100 440041004e0041004e00000060 f347d15798c90100606b899c5a 98c9014d007900470072006f00 7500700000002f0000001f7691944b9a
sha1 hash of ticket appended to original:
My sha1 hash of ticket:
Here's what is in the ticket and how it's being stored. FWIW, I can pull out username, etc, and spot the various delimiters. http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/Forms_Auth_Internals/AuthTicket2.JPG
Edited: I have discovered that the string is padded on the end by the decryption function it goes through before this point. I removed the last 6 bytes and adjusted by ticket and hash accordingly. Still doesn't work, but I'm closer.