Check the source code of BlogSvc (soon to be called AtomServer)
Here is a snippet:
public RaterModel Rate(Id entryId, float rating, User user, string ip)
LogService.Info("RateEntry: {0}, {1}, {2}", entryId, rating, ip);
if (!AuthorizeService.IsAuthorized(user, entryId, AuthAction.RateEntryOrMedia))
throw new UserNotAuthorizedException(user.Name, AuthAction.RateEntryOrMedia.ToString());
if (rating < 1 || rating > 5) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Rating value must be 1 thru 5.");
AtomEntry entry = AtomEntryRepository.GetEntry(entryId);
if (entry.Raters.Contains(ip)) throw new UserAlreadyRatedEntryException(ip, entry.Id.ToString());
entry.RatingSum += (int)Math.Round(rating); //temporarily force int ratings
entry.Edited = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
List<string> raters = entry.Raters.ToList();
entry.Raters = raters;
entry = AtomEntryRepository.UpdateEntry(entry);
return new RaterModel()
PostHref = RouteService.RouteUrl("RaterRateEntry", entryId),
Rating = entry.Rating,
CanRate = false,
RatingCount = entry.RatingCount