I found the solution!!! :)
I was playing around with PHP and remembered this question (god knows why)!
I think this might be exactly what you want, I got it from the PHP GD library and added some variable to automate the process...
$img = @imagecreatefromgif("php.gif");
if ($img) $img_height = imagesy($img);
if ($img) $img_width = imagesx($img);
// Create image instances
$dest = imagecreatefromgif('php.gif');
$src = imagecreatefromgif('php.gif');
// Copy and merge - Gray = 20%
imagecopymergegray($dest, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $img_width, $img_height, 20);
// Output and free from memory
header('Content-Type: image/gif');
It is not html but it might just be what you want!
Good luck!