



Is there another way to convert AutocadDWG To PDF but to use third party programs? Thanks for any suggestions.

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If you are looking to do it without AutoCAD then Open Design Alliance is one of the few options that I have found. If you have AutoCAD installed there is a PDF driver in the newer versions.

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You could use DWG Trueview (free from AutoDesk) and print through a PDF print driver. PDF Xchange is the best PDF printer I have found for AutoCAD. Most others, including AutoCAD's own implementation bloat the PDF to about 10x the size and render text as line objects. That's a total FAIL.

You used to be able to hook into bits of Trueview programmatically but it never had a documented API as such and certaily wasn't officially sanctioned. Try Google for solutions along those lines.

CAD bloke
The PDF driver in AutoCAD 2010 is much-improved over previous version and is quite usable. It is now my default for DWG - PDF.
CAD bloke