I have a question regarding the development of liferay portlets using the liferay plugin SDK. My question goes mainly in the setup of the development IDE. The suggested one would be to use Netbeans IDE which I also tried out, but it appears to run very slowly on my machine while Eclipse is quite performant. The setup for Netbeans IDE is the following
- Go to the directory \portlets
- Run the create.bat (or sh file depending on the OS) to create a new sample portlet
- Run Netbeans IDE, create a new "Java free form project" and point it to the directory of the created sample portlet
That's it, pretty simple.
For the mentioned reasons above (and because I'm a lot more familiar with Eclipse) I'd like to import the project into Eclipse the same way. Is there a way for doing it without having to change too much in the original structure of the created sample portlet and the according build.xml (ant file)?? I tried already to create a new project out of the build.xml ant file of the created sample portlet, however in this way it doesn't include me the source code.
I didn't also find great tutorials on the web... Could someone help me with this, pointing out online tutorials or give me some hints.