I'm looking to reduce the round-trips in my application to improve performance. I want to use PreparedStatement
s for their multitude of benefits.
This is an example of what I've come up with.. generalized with details elided..
Class.forName( "..Driver" );
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( .. );
PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement( "UPDATE Table SET XmlData = ? WHERE SomeGUID = ?; INSERT INTO SomeTable ( Col1,Col2 ) VALUES ( ?, ? )" );
statement.setString( 1, "<XmlData></XmlData>" );
statement.setString( 2, "32ABD5-438B0-.." );
statement.setString( 3, "ABC" );
statement.setString( 4, "XYZ" );
catch {
finally {
(Again, this is not the actual code, just a simplified example)
In general, I'm trying to execute multiple insert/update statements in a single statement to reduce round-trip traffic. Is this an effective way to do it or is there a more accepted approach?
I could have thousands of statements for a single transaction. I will likely segment the statement into reasonably-sized blocks to prevent timeouts on a single statement's execution.
I will be supporting multiple DB vendors, but will be using ANSI SQL so there shouldn't be an issue. If needed I can leverage the intelligence my DAL. So, this is a non-issue.
Any tips/suggestions?