In my project, all of the UI Components that are rendered in DOM/HTML, are stored/managed as Javascript objects of type Component.
Each Component Object contains a ComponentListener class which listens for events coming from the DOM/HTML rendering, and also listens for events fired to the Component that it might receive from the EventController.
The EventController is just another Javascript class that implements a centralized Publisher/Subscriber Pattern (or if you prefer, a centralized Subject/Observer Pattern)...to promote decoupling.
The ComponentListener is given the definition below:
An object that receives events for its parent component-object, from managed elements in the DOM (that are managed by the parent component-object), or from the EventController.
For Example:
An instance of ComponentListener that might have its onMouseEnter method that will be called when the mouse enters the <div> element that represents the component-object that it is listening to events for.
Does my definition of the ComponentListener warrent being defined as another term rather than Listener? Or am I about "spot on" defining it as ComponentListener?