I don't agree. Object Oriented Programming is not inherently better than procedural programming. I believe that you should not use OO unless you need polymorphic behavior (inheritance, overriding methods, etc). Using objects as simple containers for code is not worth the overhead. This is particularly true of strings because their used so much (e.g. as array keys). Every application can usually benifit from some polymorphic features but usually at a high level. Would you ever want to extend a String class?
Also, a little history is necessary to understand PHP's odd function naming. PHP is grounded around The Standard C Library and POSIX standard and uses many of the same function names (strstr, getcwd, ldap_open, etc). This is actually a good thing because it minimizes the amount of language binding code, ensures that a full well thought out set of features (just about anything you can do in C you can do in PHP) and these system libraries are highly optimized (e.g. strchr is usually inlined which makes it about 10x faster).