




I'm trying to get hidden files to show in Eclipse (namely, a .htaccess file), and the answers point to doing something in the 'Package Explorer'. I'm using Eclipse PDT 2.1 and it's not apparent to me what / where that is. How do I get to this fabled 'Package Explorer' ????


The Package Explorer can be displayed in your workspace by going to the Window>Show View>Other... menu,

then unfold the Java Folder,click Package Explorer and OK. It should show up as a tab in your "Perspective".

You probably found out what to do next, but just in case: View Menu(little arrow on the right) -> Filters -> uncheck .* resources.

Edit: Now that I've read your question again, this doesn't apply to you, as the Package Explorer is used in the Java Perspective.

You are probably using the "PHP Explorer" View (Tab) to browse your files, which hides system files. To view all files from your project, use the Navigator view: Window>Show View>Other...>Basic>Navigator .

This might sound a bit nuts, but the 'Java' folder doesn't exist in my list of views available, even after getting the new window by clicking 'other'. I have General, CVS, Data Management, Debug, Dynamic Languages, Help, Javascript, PHP Tools, Server, Team, and XML.
Cory Collier
+3  A: 