I know I'm doing something stupid or failing to do something intelligent - I'm frequently guilty of both.
Here's an example of what's causing me pain:
I have a module saved in /lib as test_functions.rb that looks like this
module TestFunctions
def abc
puts 123
Going into ruby script/runner, I can see that the module is loading automatically (good ol' convention over configuration and all that...)
>> TestFunctions.instance_methods
=> ["abc"]
so the method is known, let's try calling it
>> TestFunctions.abc
NoMethodError: undefined method `abc' for TestFunctions:Module from (irb):3
Nope. How about this?
>> TestFunctions::abc
NoMethodError: undefined method `abc' for TestFunctions:Module from (irb):4
Test Nope again.
defined?(TestFunctions::abc) #=> nil, but
TestFunctions.method_defined? :abc #=> true
Like I said at the top, I know I'm being dumb, can anyone de-dumb me?