I use the following to read a PDF file and get text strings of a page:
my $pdf = CAM::PDF->new($pdf_file);
my $pagetree = $pdf->getPageContentTree($page_no);
# Get all text strings of the page
# MyRenderer is a separate package which implements getTextBlocks and
# renderText methods
my @text = $pagetree->traverse('MyRenderer')->getTextBlocks;
Now, @text
has all the text strings and start x,y of each text string.
How can I get the width (and possibly the height) of each string?
MyRenderer package is as follows:
package MyRenderer;
use base 'CAM::PDF::GS';
sub new {
my ($pkg, @args) = @_;
my $self = $pkg->SUPER::new(@args);
$self->{refs}->{text} = [];
return $self;
sub getTextBlocks {
my ($self) = @_;
return @{$self->{refs}->{text}};
sub renderText {
my ($self, $string, $width) = @_;
my ($x, $y) = $self->textToDevice(0,0);
push @{$self->{refs}->{text}}, {
str => $string,
left => $x,
bottom => $y,
right =>$x + $width,
Update 1: There's a function getStringWidth($fontmetrics, $string) in CAM::PDF. Altough there's a parameter $fontmetrics in that function, irespective of what I pass to that parameter, the function returns the same value for a given string.
Also, I am not sure of the unit of measure the returned value uses.
Update 2: I changed the renderText function to following:
sub renderText {
my ($self, $string, $width) = @_;
my ($x, $y) = $self->textToDevice(0,0);
push @{$self->{refs}->{text}}, {
str => $string,
left => $x,
bottom => $y,
right =>$x + ($width * $self->{Tfs}),
font => $self->{Tf},
font_size => $self->{Tfs},
Note that in addition to getting font and font_size, I multiplied $width with font size to get the real width of the string.
Now, only thing missing is the height.