



What I want is lots of nodes which can expand making a mind map.

I'd ideally like to expand and collapse nodes. I would like to be able to navigate by either dragging around the page, or by following expanded nodes.




Can you clarify your question a bit further? Do you want a interactive map (with nodes)? What kind of functionality do you need? How do you mean navigate?


I think you are asking for a component that does what Visio can do, except that it can be displayed on a web page. Most likely you would have to create one from scratch, because mind mapping tools are always released as products per se and not customizable components. I suggest looking for a basic drawing/illustration component, and then putting your mind-mapping logic in it.

+2  A: 

I have a colleague who needed that kind of functionalities to graph Maven dependencies between projects. He ended up using FreeMind to do the visualization. He just had to write an XML file conforming to the FreeMind format. I even think you can just use OPML as the file format and find a ready to use XSLT to transform it to the FreeMind format. Maybe FreeMind actually supports OPML directly (I havent used it for a long time).

Once you have your data in FreeMind, you can either export them, or use the FreeMind applet to display an interactive MindMap on your website.

Good luck !
