I've been looking around for some time and have yet to be able to find any libraries or information for Java on how to drag lets say an ImageIcon onto a Windows folder and get the path as to where you "dropped" the ImageIcon. I'd really like a platform independent solution that works across OSX/linux/Win, but at the very least would like a windows implementation. Has anyone done this before, is there a project that has a library to do this? If not could I get direction(websites) as to how one would go about developing the C++ code to do this, if at all possible I'm assuming would have to be done through JNI. Is it even feasible?
I have a good amount of experience with java, python and perl, but limited exposure to C/C++, which is why I'm hoping there is already a library or some code out there to do this, if not though, I'm more than willing to get my hands dirty.