




C# 2008 SP1

I have built an application and this is published on windows server using clickonce. The clients go to the url and can download and run the application.

The client is now changing their servers to run Ubuntu. Can a clickonce application be published on a server running Ubuntu. The version of Ubuntu is 8.10.

Many thanks for any advice,


I'm assuming you're trying to use Mono, in which case:

Is it possible to support ClickOnce on Linux ?
Yes - but there's still a lot of work required before doing so.

Is ClickOnce the best way to distribute applications/updates ?
I'm not sure - but popularity != superiority so...


Ben Alpert
Nope - the server changed. The clients remain Windows.
+5  A: 

Sure can - any file or web server can host a ClickOnce app. However you will need to configure the correct MIME types on the web server

  • .application => application/x-ms-application
  • .manifest => application/x-ms-manifest
  • .deploy => application/octet-stream
Scott Weinstein
Hello,Thanks for the reply. Those MIME types are for the IIS. I wasn't sure that you can run IIS on Ubuntu. I haven't used Ubuntu too much, so don't have much experience. What web server does Ubuntu use?Thanks
No idea about the webserver Ubutu uses - probably Apache. Configure the server to associate the MIME types with the file extentions, and ClickOnce will work. IIS or Apache - MIME is for the client
Scott Weinstein
The MIME types are for the documents. You have to set them in IIS if you use IIS. But you want to use Ubuntu. so whatever HTTP Server you are using on Ubuntu, must have those MIME types set.
+3  A: 

Simply add the following to the .htaccess file in your web root (Apache2 Ubuntu)

AddType application/x-ms-application application
AddType application/x-ms-manifest manifest
AddType application/octet-stream deploy
AddType application/ xps
AddType application/xaml+xml xaml
AddType application/x-ms-xbap xbap
AddType application/x-silverlight-app xap