



I have a decent experience with C++. I am a new linux user...just started with shellscripting. Besides this I am thinking of studing java (due to its platform independence). I am too confused about what to do, as the demand is changing too rapidly. I would like some help with what I should study.

  1. I am not interested in application development
  2. I want to make sure what I choose will be in demand in the future.

Demand in the market is something to take into account, but if you look at the way Java developers have been in demand for a long time, I would not expect a big drop in the demand for Java skills in the near future.

As for what the future will bring: nobody knows. Maybe Google comes up with a programming language that will be wildly popular, maybe a guy in Botswana invents something fantastic. Programming languages have a way of becoming entrenched. Look at Cobol for instance. Not an especially popular language if you look at the blogosphere, but many people make a very decent living writing Cobol.

So in my opinion, demand is not changing all that rapidly. A language with the installed base of Java (or C#, or C++) is not going to disappear overnight.

Jeroen van Bergen
+2  A: 

I am too confused about what to do, as the demand is changing too rapidly.

I would say the demand for Java and C++ hasn't changed much in the last five years, and might not change for the next five years.

I am not interested in application development What sort of software development are you interested in.

I suggest you look at jobs in your area and see which ones interest you. Look at the skills they require and work on those.

Peter Lawrey