




Is there any common sqlite3 connection class available for working with the iPhone SDK. I realize that it is quite easy to connect and run queries everytime, but to save up more time it would be a real help if we could use a class to handle all the sql directly.

I would imagine something which returns a NSMutableArray if you pass a query to it.

Is there something available?

+1  A: 

We use the FMDB wrappers by Flying Meat and Gus Mueller. They do a reasonably good job of wrapping the C API of sqlite3 with Cocoa and returning first-class Cocoa types. You don't get back an NSMutableArray from a query--you get an FMResultSet, similar in spirit to a JDBC ResultSet (if memory serves). It's also MIT licensed, if that matters.

+2  A: 

Also take a look at SQLitePersistentObjects, which I use. The big advantage is that I for now don't have to worry about schemas and such. However, SQLitePO doesn't seem to be able to store objects into alternate tables, AFAIK. Otherwise it seems to work fine.
