




Hi everybody,

I´d like to change the appearance of Sharepoint (Portal Server 2003) email notifications that gets send when a new blog entry is made. Reason behind it: our company uses them like a newssystem and it would be nice if we could have some brand information (logo etc) and customized design in there.

I´m in the process of learning sharepoint so I just need a pointer in the right direction. But if somebody knows some more: Is there one template for all notifications? Do I have to change it on the file level? Is there some kind of abstraction layer or API I can talk to? Themes?

I looked all over the tubes but found nothing at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


+1  A: 

I found an answer on the group microsoft.public.sharepoint.portalserver - haven´t tried it yet, but it seems possible on the template file level:


+1  A: 

In WSS3, you modify the AlertTemplats.xml in the c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\1033\XML folder. Just look trough the AlertTemplate nodes and find the name of the type of list that you want to modify. I am not sure if this applies to SharePoint 2003, but I think it might.

Corey Roth
Thanks Corey! Seems spot on!