




I have installed Visual Studio Team System 2008 Architecture version: 9.0.30729.1 SP and Microsoft Net Framework 3.5 SP1.

When I'm going to add a new item I can't find ADO.NET Entity Data Model template.

What's happening?


+3  A: 

SUMMARY There seem to be multiple causes of this problem as many of the other answers indicate.

  1. Make sure Framework 3.5 sp1 is installed first
  2. Make sure Visual Studio 2008 sp1 is installed
  3. Makes sure the project targets the 3.5 framework
  4. A data model is added to an existing project, not a separate project type


You may be looking at the wrong level. An Entity Framework Data Model is something that you add to a project, it is not a separate project type.

Right-click on an existing project Select Add, New Item

And then select ADO.Net Entity Data Model...

This is not the right answer!
David Smit
So... which is the right answer?

I am also facing this issue not to find a template for entity data model. I am looking at the right place but this does not exists on the system?


Also have the same issue. I've tried repairing both Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, but I still do not see "ADO.NET Entity Data Model" under "Add New Item" on my projects.

Anthony Brien

Ditto. I'm working with the 1.0 MVC framework, .NET 3.5, and VS 2008 SP1. I also do not have ADO.NET available as a data model.


I'm having the same problem with MVC as well. It doesn't matter whether I'm at the project or Model folder level.


I am having the same problem too.


same thing here. Can't find ADO.NET Entity Data Model template


at first u need to install latest version of ADO.NET Entity Framework form below link:

+1  A: 

I was having the same problem, but my solution ended up being simple: my project was defaulting to a .Net 2.0 project, and it needed to be set to .Net 3.5 before it would offer me Entity Framework options in the Add New Item box.

+5  A: 

So, to recap:

Requires Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 (includes .Net Framework 3.5 SP1)

  • You must be working with a .Net Framework 3.5 project
  • In the Solution Explorer, right click and select "Add"->"New Item"
  • For ease of finding it, select the "Data" item in the left hand side treeview
  • Select ADO.NET Entity Data Model and specify a name in the textbox below
  • RobS
    +10  A: 

    Make sure you have VS2008 sp1 ( I had .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 installed but not the VS2008 SP1. least that is what I was doing wrong.

    Make sure you also run the Service Pack Preparation tool that listed in the Important section on the download page for VS2008 SP1. This was required for it to work on my machine.
    Solved the problem for me.
    +1  A: 

    I had the same problem. I had Visual Studio SP1 installed and the .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 applied.

    I downloaded the Visual Studio SP1 ISO and burnded it to a DVD.

    I found that I had to uninstall Visual Studio and then reinstall. Only then could I apply the SP1 from the DVD.

    My Visual Studio was a relatively fresh installation. I did install .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 and ASP.NET MVC 1.0 before trying to upgrade to the SP1. These may have created a conflict with the SP1 upgrade.



    Oliver Giller

    Reinstall Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio 2008. It was helpfull for me.


    Reinstall of SP1 for VS helped me too.


    Troy, thanks for your answer, my VS was creating projects in 2.0 by default too. Change traget framework works fine...!


    i have the same problem. I cant solve it.

    Be sure to select .Net Framework 3.5 when you select a new to add to the project. You also need .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and Visual Studio 2008 SP1 installed.

    I had the same issue. The thing is that ASP.NET MVC should be installed after .NET 3.5 SP1 and VS2008 SP1, if you installed it before - try to deinstall ASP.NET MVC, .NET 3.5 SP1 and VS2008 SP1 and then install it in the right order.

    Thanks, Arty

    +2  A: 

    I think most of you guys are confusing sp1 for .net with service pack of vs2008. very likely you all have .net 3.5 sp1. You need to have both .net 3.5 sp1 + vs2008 sp1....the later would take a lot of time to download and install depending on your net speed..

    try it and this problem would be sorted.


    I have the same problem using VS 2010 in a Silverlight project... When I try to add new item/data there is no ADO.NET entity data model option, just XML. I am wordering if it is due to the way I configured VS for VB.NET Web Development...

    bob e

    I re-installed Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and then it worked!

    Find the SP1 here:

    Martin S.