The last release was in 2008-03-06. What happened to it? Is it still under active development? Are there any replacements?
This question might better be asked at the relevant newsgroup: Or by mail to one of the responsible developers as mentioned at the Mozilla site.
However, if you found out please post the answer here. I'm interested too.
2009-03-10 07:35:14
Slightly modified version of Rhino (1.6r2) is part of Java 6 and on top of that from what I've tested Rhino is very much feature complete so there really isn't anything left to develop onwards, apparently it's also quite bug-free also.
I'd say Rhino is one of those rare libraries which are actually done.
2009-03-10 07:42:11
According to a post last week at
On Mar 9, 11:45 am, Rhino user <[email protected]> wrote:
> Does anybody has any tentative dates for 1.7R2 release?
I need to look at
but other than that it is ready to go.
Mike Samuel
2009-03-24 22:09:17