



I'm looking to hear others experiences with SVG + Javascript Frameworks.

Things that I'd like the framework to handle - DOM creation, event handling and minimal size.

Jquery SVG plugin - seems to be the only one I can find.

+1  A: 

Do you need SVG or just vector-like graphics manipulation? John Resig ported the "Processing" visualization language to JavaScript. I never used it, but from the creator of jQuery it may help you out if you don't actually require SVG.

Eric DeLabar
+2  A: 

A lot of useful information in the "Scripting SVG" question.

Adam Davis

I haven't used it yet, but i bookmarked PlotKit some time ago because it's a javascript framework that generates svg

+10  A: 

Raphael is a javascript framework for manipulating vector graphics, either with SVG or VML, depending on what the browser supports.

Jim T
+1  A: 

My favorite JavaScript framework is jQuery. But original jQuery package is unable to run inside SVG because of some HTML-specific places.

But I have patched the newest version of jQuery (1.4.2) so it is able to run under SVG now. You can take patched jQuery package from here.

A single issue with it is that SVG doesn't invoke initialization function from incuded jQuery source so I was to introduce jQueryInitialize function and jQueryInitialize(window); must be invoked manually in svg:onload event.

Volodymyr Frolov

I'm sorry, but spam prevention mechanism impede me from posting more than one hyperlink in one answer. Here is prove of concept of running jQuery under SVG.

Volodymyr Frolov