




I'm relatively new to VHDL. I'm attempting to write code to do unsigned multiplication using a combination of full adders. When compiling it passes up to the port mapping. I've resolved the errors in the first map, but all of the others give me problems.

I get the same error for each: "Expression actuals in port map aspect must be static"

Here's my code. Any help is appreciated. In addition, if you have general tips based on looking at my code I would be thankful.

Thanks, Buzkie

library  ieee;
use  ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity fulladder is

     port (a, b, c: in std_logic;
           sout, cout: out std_logic);

     end fulladder;

architecture behav of fulladder is

sout <= (a xor b) xor c ;
cout <= (a and b) or (c and (a xor b));

     end behav;

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity unsignedmult is 
port (a,b: in     std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
       pro: out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0)); 

end unsignedmult;     

architecture synth of unsignedmult is

    signal c1,c2,c3,c4,c5: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
    signal s1,s2,s3,s4: std_logic_vector (2 downto 0);
    component fulladder
        port (a,b,c:in std_logic;
           sout,cout:out std_logic);
    end component;


    --Row 0                    ----Sin-----A&B-------Cin--Sout---Cout
    Fand00: fulladder port map('0',(a(0) and b(0)),'0',pro(0),c1(0));   
    Fand01: fulladder port map('0',(a(1) and b(0)),'0',s1(0),c1(1));
    Fand02: fulladder port map('0',(a(2) and b(0)),'0',s1(1),c1(2));
    Fand03: fulladder port map('0',(a(3) and b(0)),'0',s1(2),c1(3));

    --Row 1
    Fand10: fulladder port map(s1(0),(a(0) and b(1)),c1(0),pro(1),c2(0));
    Fand11: fulladder port map(s1(1),(a(1) and b(1)),c1(1),s2(0),c2(1));
    Fand12: fulladder port map(s1(2),(a(2) and b(1)),c1(2),s2(1),c2(2));
    Fand13: fulladder port map('0',(a(3) and b(1)),c1(3),s2(2),c2(3));

    --Row 2
    Fand20: fulladder
       port map(s2(0),(a(0) and b(2)),c2(0),pro(2),c3(0));
    Fand21: fulladder
       port map(s2(1),(a(1) and b(2)),c2(1),s3(0),c3(1));
    Fand22: fulladder
       port map(s2(2),(a(2) and b(2)),c2(2),s3(1),c3(2));
    Fand23: fulladder
       port map('0',(a(3) and b(2)),c2(3),s3(2),c3(3));

    --Row 3
    Fand30: fulladder
       port map(s3(0),(a(0) and b(3)),c3(0),pro(3),c4(0));
    Fand31: fulladder
       port map(s3(1),(a(1) and b(3)),c3(1),s4(0),c4(1));
    Fand32: fulladder
       port map(s3(2),(a(2) and b(3)),c3(2),s4(1),c4(2));
    Fand33: fulladder
       port map('0',(a(3) and b(3)),c3(3),s4(2),c4(3));

    --Row 4
    F40: fulladder
       port map(s4(0),c4(0),'0',pro(4),c5(0));
    F41: fulladder
       port map(s4(1),c4(1),c5(0),pro(5),c5(1));
    F42: fulladder
       port map(s4(2),c4(2),c5(1),pro(6),c5(2));
    F43: fulladder
       port map('0',c4(3),c5(2),pro(7),c5(3));

end synth;
+1  A: 

I'm rusty, but you might need to have explicit and gates for the a(_) and b(_) entries. I've heard of wire-ORs, but not wire-ANDs (in positive logic at least).

At the very least, try replacing each of these with just the a(_) portion, and see if the errors go away. It won't be the right circuit, but it will confirm if I'm right as to what's causing the compilation problem.

That worked. I just need to and the inputs before trying to pass them through the adders
+1  A: 

If I remember things correctly, you can't map a logic expression (e.g. a(0) and b(0)) to a port (but I think constants are OK). If this is correct, you have to create explicit signals for all inputs and outputs.

Also: 1) I don't think the fulladder architecture is behavioral, so I would name it something else. I have used (correctly or not) the name rtl for these architectures.

2) It should be possible to instantiate the full adders without declaring the component. Use a syntax like

Fand00: entity fulladder port map(...)

I also find it usual to always specify the formal port names (cout => c1(0), with some reservation for the direction of the arrow, etc.)

3) I suppose you know that any recently new synthesizer will be able to synthisize a multiplication and that you are just doing this for learning how it works, otherwise I just told you :)

Thanks for the tips. This is a homework assignment that we have to do in this manner in order to simulate the critical path, otherwise I would gladly use the built in multiplication.

Some synthesizers have problems with port maps that are not static expressions.

You may have to replace the expression in the port map with a signal, wherever the synthesizer complains. For example:

Fand00: fulladder port map('0',(a(0) and b(0)),'0',pro(0),c1(0));


signal t: std_logic;


t <= a(0) and b(0);


Fand00: fulladder port map('0',t,'0',pro(0),c1(0));

If at all possible, change to a different synthesizer software. Don't torture yourself.
