




Just a small problem. Currently coding a Java project for a Dell Axim X51 with J9 installed. The problem is to do with my interface, for different screens I simply swap a nested Panel (note its running 1.4 and NO swing), so remove(panel) - add(newPanel). The problem is when it swaps the panels the time taken to do so is visible and flickers.

I guess this is a run of the mill refresh/buffering problem but I have tried overriding paint and update so am fresh out of ideas. Also if someone has a particular dislike to this method of navigation (swapping panels within a frame) can you suggest a better way to go about this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, loljdawson

+1  A: 

You probably need to implement double-buffering:

Double buffer in standard Java AWT

Alternatively, when you "swap" an old panel for a new panel, set the new panel to be hidden initially, then make it visible only after it has been add()ed to its parent container.

Ian Kemp
Sorted, set visible AFTER the add. Cheers :)