Hi, Looking around I found http://www.devco.net/archives/2008/06/26/adventures_with_ruby.php where the blogger moan about GServer's bug to destory threads and reaching its maximum connections. Is this problem real / still true?
Hi, Looking around I found http://www.devco.net/archives/2008/06/26/adventures_with_ruby.php where the blogger moan about GServer's bug to destory threads and reaching its maximum connections. Is this problem real / still true?
I had similar problems when using GServer as simple TCP server, however I didn't dig into the issue too deeply since I had originally planned to use EventMachine.
In the end I just ported my code to use that library and been happy.
Sorry, I don't know the real answer, but I do know that I had problems with GServer and have been really happy with EM since I switched -- so you might want to look into that. Replacing libraries was not too difficult once I understood how EM worked.
I had also faced two problems with GServer in Ruby 1.9.1.
Then, I wrote a Pre-Threaded TCP Server for Ruby 1.9.1 by myself, linked from the wiki page above.