What makes open-source experience more valuable than closed-source?
Good question indeed. And I was not convinced by the answers made so far.
Why people would make so much efforts for free? (but most open-source contributors are paid workers...)
Is Apache really safer than closed source servers? (IIS excepted: MSFT is a special case)
To have a good CV? (actually a brillant closed-source application might work as well)
So, let's try some more arguments:
Why open-source your code if it does really new things? (for which you will not be compensated)
Is Linux, OpenOffice, FireFox, GCC or GIMP an innovation?
Appart from State-subsidied works (universities) I don't see much work done 'for the benefit of all' (and even those free projects' purpose might be doubtful sometimes).
Reading the code of others?
This might work, yes. But closed-source programmers have learned by reading books and other programs.
Many open-source developers seem to benefit from a large phonebook.
Closed-source projects may also open doors and build credibility.
In the end, I believe that this is more a question of opportunities.
Open-source becomes a real choice when you have faced a tought situation in your profesional life and want to fight back (Stallman).
For the rest of us, closed source might work equally well (or even better because copycats will have a harder time at finding inspiration in your work...).