



I'm currently experiencing a weird platform inconsistency between Mac OS X and Windows/Linux.

I've implemented an SWT DropTargetListener and tried to analyze the data dropped in the dragEnter method. Unfortunately, the data attribute of the TransferData contained in the DropTargetEvent parameter is always null on OS X (but becomes valid in DropTargetListener.drop method where it's too late to give user feedback).

It works fine under Windows and Linux.

Can anybody help me out? Or is this a known limitation of SWT DND under OS X?

+1  A: 

Since the following bugzilla request only returns one old bug, I am not sure it is an active bug when it comes to "TransferData".

There is however a lot more bugs declared for DnD on Mac like this one which comes close to what you are describing.

Could you add the exact version of eclipse and its SWT plugin you are using ?
