Hi All I am a newcomer here,
I am using the following code from an open source library (Matrix Toolkits for Java) which outputs the following matrix
1000 1000 5
3 5 1.000000000000e+00
I am trying to do a String split that will return me 1000,1000,5
I tried using String[] parts = str.trim().split("\\s");
but it seems using the \s as a String Token is wrong, any idea what I should use instead?
thanks a lot!
public String toString() {
// Output into coordinate format. Indices start from 1 instead of 0
Formatter out = new Formatter();
out.format("%10d %10d %19d\n", numRows, numColumns, Matrices
for (MatrixEntry e : this)
if (e.get() != 0)
out.format("%10d %10d % .12e\n", e.row() + 1, e.column() + 1, e
return out.toString();