



Has anyone had success with a flat-file blog engine?

I'm trying to arrange a very basic, bare bones blog setup on an intranet site. Unfortunately, the usual solutions rely on MySQL, which is not available on this server. In fact, no database is available. I may be able to do SQLlite, but would prefer a flat-file solution.

DokuWiki has done well as a wiki on this server and it even has a blog plugin. However, I'd prefer to use a "real" blog, if anyone can suggest good options.

I'm mostly interested in PHP, but other suggestions are certainly welcome.

+2  A: 

dasBlog uses an XML file store. It's .NET though, not PHP.

These people also seem to have a port of Wordpress that uses flat files instead of a database. It is PHP.

Jason Punyon
+1  A: 

I'd recommend you to try Sqlite, it's faster than parsing and creating flat file, and easier to use, too.

+1  A: 

Blogger has a feature called "FTP Publishing" that allows you to export your blog as flat files to an FTP server. Is Blogger an option?

Pascal Thivent
+6  A: 

A while ago I used FlatPress which work's only with files and still has a quite good performance. There are also a lot of themes, plugins and widget stuff. (Not as many as for WordPress, but still enough for the most cases.)

Thanks Hippo. That is fantastic.

Give Simple PHP Blog a try.

+3  A: 

I think writing your own blog engine is a great idea. And the best part is that you don't have to bother with someone else's list of required features. You code it to your needs and leave the rest out. Then add more features as you need them.

It worked for us.
Curt Sampson
+1  A: 

am surprised no one mentioned This needs Servlet Container

Ketan Khairnar

Modest looks nice, but I'm not sure if it's available yet.

Modest is available at, but it hasn't developed to something that's really usable. It works for me, but it requires a lot of massaging. I'd happily work on it though if there were more interest in it.
Andrew Gwozdziewycz
+2  A: 

Blosxom (perl-based) and PyBlosxom (a Python-based clone) both work with flat-files.

Adam Bradley
+2  A: 


  • Multiple Weblogs
  • Multiple Authors
  • Built-in commenting & moderation
  • Built-in spam protection
  • Easy to install templates (themes)
  • Pages
  • MySQL Database
  • Flat Files Database
  • SEO friendly
  • Self hosted
seriously, no one else thinks pivot is any good? I installed it in 15 seconds (after uploading it). works fine and has most of the important features.

What is Goolog? Goolog is a blogging engine written in PHP. Goolog is designed to be utilized on free webhost providers which do not provide access to databases such as MySQL, MS-SQL, PostgreSQL, etc.

Who might need Goolog? Goolog is designed to be utilized on free webhost providers since these do not always provide access to a database. It involves no database considerations on part of the webmaster since the database that powers Goolog is spontaneously generated.
