Is it possible to override the html naming of fields in TabularInline admin forms so they won't contain dashes?
I'm trying to apply the knowledge obtained here to create a TabularInline admin form that has the auto-complete feature.
It all works except that Django insists in naming the fields in a tabularinline queryset as something in the lines of:
So, if my model is TravelLogClient and my foreign key field is company, the fields in the HTML form for the three entries in the tabularinline queryset will be:
The problem is that javascript dislikes identifiers with dashes in them. So the javascript fails and the autocomplete doesn't work.
THIS IS ONLY A PROBLEM WITH TABULAR INLINE forms! If I use Jannis' autocomplete example on a non tabular admin form field, it works just fine because the field name doesn't have the "..._set-[index]-...
" portion in the HTML and javascript.
Rather than submitting a patch to django's source code changing dashes for underscores on
, it occurred to me that it is possible that behavior can be overridden somehow.
Failing that, what is the easiest way to make those dashes in the html_name become underscores instead?
Thanks in advance!