I would like to automate the following task with a script to create an IIS script mappings for my project:
- Go to Control Panel | Administrative Tools
- Open Internet Information Services
- Right-click the Default web site and select Properties.
- In the Properties dialog-box select the 'home Directory' tab.
- Click on the configuration button in the Application Configuration dialog.
- Click on the 'Add' button.
In the Add/Edit dialog-box, ensure the following settings are correct:
- for executable, put in C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll
- for the extension, put in '*'
- for Verbs, select 'All verbs'
- select 'Script Engine' and leave 'Check that file exists' blank.
Note: The IIS v5.1 Manager console allows you to add '*' wild card extension names but IIS v6 manager does not. It is just a UI limitation. My box is WinXP.