Simple question for a newb and my Google-Fu is failing me. Using PHP, how can you count the number of files in a given directory, including any sub-directories (and any sub-directories they might have, etc.)? e.g. if directory structure looks like this:
/Dir_A/ /Dir_A/File1.blah /Dir_A/Dir_B/ /Dir_A/Dir_B/File2.blah /Dir_A/Dir_B/File3.blah /Dir_A/Dir_B/Dir_C/ /Dir_A/Dir_B/Dir_C/File4.blah /Dir_A/Dir_D/ /Dir_A/Dir_D/File5.blah
The script should return with '5' for "./Dir_A".
I've cobbled together the following but it's not quite returning the correct answer, and I'm not sure why:
function getFilecount( $path = '.', $filecount = 0, $total = 0 ){ $ignore = array( 'cgi-bin', '.', '..', '.DS_Store' ); $dh = @opendir( $path ); while( false !== ( $file = readdir( $dh ) ) ){ if( !in_array( $file, $ignore ) ){ if( is_dir( "$path/$file" ) ){ $filecount = count(glob( "$path/$file/" . "*")); $total += $filecount; echo $filecount; /* debugging */ echo " $total"; /* debugging */ echo " $path/$file
"; /* debugging */ getFilecount( "$path/$file", $filecount, $total); } } } return $total; }
I'd greatly appreciate any help.