I read everywhere that business logic belongs in the models and not in controller but where is the limit? I am toying with a personnal accounting application.
When creating an operation it is only valid if the corresponding entries are created and linked to accounts so that the operation is balanced for exemple buy a 6-pack :
o=Operation.new({:description=>"b33r", :user=>current_user, :date=>"2008/09/15"})
o.entries.build({:account_id=>1, :amount=>15})
o.valid? #=>false
o.entries.build({:account_id=>2, :amount=>-15})
o.valid? #=>true
Now the form shown to the user in the case of basic operations is simplified to hide away the entries details, the accounts are selected among 5 default by the kind of operation requested by the user (intialise account -> equity to accout, spend assets->expenses, earn revenues->assets, borrow liabilities->assets, pay debt assets->liabilities ...) I want the entries created from default values.
I also want to be able to create more complex operations (more than 2 entries). For this second use case I will have a different form where the additional complexity is exposed.This second use case prevents me from including a debit and credit field on the Operation and getting rid of the Entry link.
Which is the best form ? Using the above code in a SimpleOperationController as I do for the moment, or defining a new method on the Operation class so I can call Operation.new_simple_operation(params[:operation])
Isn't it breaking the separation of concerns to actually create and manipulate Entry objects from the Operation class ?
I am not looking for advice on my twisted accounting principles :)
edit -- It seems I didn't express myself too clearly. I am not so concerned about the validation. I am more concerned about where the creation logic code should go :
assuming the operation on the controller is called spend, when using spend, the params hash would contain : amount, date, description. Debit and credit accounts would be derived from the action which is called, but then I have to create all the objects. Would it be better to have
#error and transaction handling is left out for the sake of clarity
def spend
amount=params[:operation].delete(:amount)#remove non existent Operation attribute
#select accounts in some way
#build entries
or to create a method on Operation that would make the above look like
def spend
this definitely give a much thinner controller and a fatter model, but then the model will create and store instances of other models which is where my problem is.