



I'm passing IList<Post> to View(posts).
Post is a linqToSql generated model class.
Post has an FK relation to the Category table by Id.

When I'm iterating over IList<Post> inside my View and trying to access post.Category.Title I'm receiving an error:

System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'DataContext accessed after Dispose.'.

How can I get Category.Title for each of my Posts right from View?

+1  A: 

Yes, actually what the error tells you! In other words, keep your DataContext open till you finished working with the data.

Previously I just create a DataContext per page request, and dispose it at the end of the request. Worked relatively well.

Thanks a lot for pointing me!I've just forgot that I'm writing:using (BlaBlaDataContext dataContext = new BlaBlaDataContext()){ return bla-bla-bla; } :)
Dmytro Leonenko