Hi, I wish to initialize an array of java methods in the child class, as a class field like so
void callme() {System.out.println("hi!");}
Method[] actions = new Method[] {&callme,&callme};
and call all methods in this array at parent class like so:
for (meth:actions) {meth.invoke();}
However currently I cannot find a way to implicitly initialize the actions array, not through the constructor. The following gives me an error due to unhandled exception:
Method[] actions = new Method[] {
As said, I cannot catch the exception when initializing this array explicitly as a field, and not in the constructor.
I'm a newbie to java reflection, so this is probably an obvious question, still I found no answer to that at google, any help would be appreciated.
As Scott below guessed, I "want a superclass to call a specific set of methods defined in a subclass".