Businessmen typically want a web application developed. They are aware of .net or J2EE by names, without much knowledge about either.
Altho' Rails and Django offer for a much better and faster development stack, it is a big task to convince businessmen to use these platforms.
The task begins with introducing Django (or Rails), quoting some blog/research. Then making a case for the use of the framework for the specific project.
Lot of the task is repetitive. What are the sources/blogs/whitepapers and other materials you use to make a case for django (or Rails)
Don't you think there should be a common brochure developed that many development agencies could use to make the same case, over and again. Are there any such ones, now?
There seems to be enough discussion on Django vs Rails. Whereas the need is (Django and Rails) vs (.net and J2EE), at least so, while making a business case. Both represent a faster pragmatic web development in a dynamic language.