



I'm using the amazon web services and I was just wondering if anyone knew how I could return unavailable items, I don't exactly wish to purchase them, but to collect statistical information out of them so getting items that aren't available would make my searches much broader.

$sc = new SoapClient('');

$req = new ItemSearch();
$req->AssociateTag = 'XXX';
$req->AWSAccessKeyId = 'XXX';
$req->Request = new ItemSearchRequest();
$req->Request->SearchIndex = 'All';
$req->Request->Count = 25;
$req->Request->Keywords = GetVar('value');
$req->Request->ResponseGroup = 'ItemAttributes,Images,ItemIds';
$req->Request->Condition = 'All';
$req->Request->MerchantId = 'All';

$results = $sc->ItemSearch($req);


I've tried a lot of different methods here to collect items but for example, the 'Availability' property on Request has to be nothing or 'Available'. I'm starting to think that getting unavailable items is impossible. A good example of an unavailable item is ASIN B0006U3ACY which this will not find, but it does exist.

Sorry, I didn't include the structures for the ItemSearch and ItemSearchRequest but they're fairly large. Any information would be muchly appreciated. Thank you.