I am writing a web application that uses ajax to add new forms on the page. Existing forms are made using inlineformset_factory. When client side gets the form it inserts it in the right position and updates the value of #id_form_type-TOTAL_FORMS" (form_type is name of the form in this example).
Existing forms have name for each field like name="form_type-1-source", where 1 is unique form ID.
The problem is generating next ID for new form so that all forms are different. I have made one solution, but I don't like it.
Url for the ajax call looks like this:
(r'^ajax/get_form/(?P<form_type>\w+)$', views.get_form),
Get form view:
def get_form(request, form_type):
Returns form for requested model if invoken with ajax.
If invoken directly returns empty string.
The form is rendered into HTML using as_p method.
if request.method == "GET" and request.is_ajax():
current_forms_no = int(request.GET["current_forms_no"])
form_class = all_forms[form_type]
Formset = inlineformset_factory(Component, form_class.Meta.model, extra=current_forms_no + 1, form = form_class, can_delete = False)
form = Formset()
return HttpResponse(form.forms[current_forms_no].as_p())
return HttpResponse()
And JavaScript function that invokes that:
function add_new_form(event) {
form_type = $(this).attr("href");
// for id generation
formset = $("#id_" + form_type + "-TOTAL_FORMS");
current_forms_no = formset.val()
container = $(this).parent().parent();
$.get("/ajax/get_form/" + form_type, {"current_forms_no" : current_forms_no}, function(data) {
// increment form count so they can be saved on server
formset.val(parseInt(formset.val()) + 1);
I have more that one form, so functions are generic. I keep form_type in href attribute of anchor.
So, what I am doing here is creating more forms than I need and I only use last of them.
So, is there any way to tell inlineformset_factory what ID I want to be first to generate?
PS: Sorry for my bad English...