I am currently in the process of preparing for the computer science GRE and I was wondering if anyone at Stack Overflow could offer some advice or point me towards some useful resources?
Here are some resources I'm already familiar with:
- Titanium Bits Practice Exam - Additional practice questions made by a third party.
- Slashdot | GRE CS Subject Test Prep? - Slashdot communities response to a GRE prep.
- TestMaic Forums | Advice for GRE prep - A useful forum post that aggregates a lot of testing resources.
- Official Practice Test - Essential.
- HunterThinks Study Guide - Online study guide, I actual haven't found this to be too useful.
- GRE CS book at Amazon - Book that Paul mentioned, apparently not very good.
- Academic Earth | Computer Science - Found this off of LifeHacker, great site that aggregates video lectures from various institutions.
In an effort to uncover any resources that can help with my studying (and hopefully enrich the community at large) I've decided to place a bounty on this question.
Post Bounty:
My apologies, the bounty ended at 8am today before I was able to log in and accept an answer. I believe the award went to Bob Cross, as he was the first person on the list.