Hi, I'm writing a spec for my Rails controller, this is the action I'm testing:
def create
@course = Course.new(params[:course])
if @course.save then
#flash[:notice] = 'Course Created'
redirect_to courses_path
render :action => 'new', :status => 400
And this is the spec that validates it:
describe "POST /courses [Good Input]" do
it "should redirect to Courses index page after creation" do
post :create
response.should be_success
response.should redirect_to(courses_path)
Still I'm getting this error from RSpec:
'CoursesController POST /courses [Good Input]
should redirect to Courses index page after creation'
expected redirect to "/courses", got no redirect
Any ideas why this happens?
as rishavrastogi stated, *should be_success* expects a http code on the 2xx range, and a redirect falls into the 3xx range (actually its 302)
The assertion needs to be changed to => *response.should be_redirect*.
Although in this case, it's redundant to check that the response is a redirect and then checking that redirects to an specific page, so that assertion is not needed anymore.