+2  A: 

The two most common speculations I've seen are that the rendering engine would be replaced by something based on Gazelle or Webkit. Personally, I think Gazelle is a much more likely possibility.

That being said, I don't think IE 8 will be teh last release of IE - I think it's more likely that it may be the last released of IE using the current codebase's rendering engine and core parsing routines. I would suspect that MS would rewrite their internals, but I would highly, highly doubt that Internet Explorer is going to go away as long as Microsoft is still writing software.

Reed Copsey
Uh... Isn't Gazelle still based on IE's Trident renderer? Not saying they couldn't write a new one from scratch, but they could do that anyway, with or without Gazelle.
Good point. The current implementation used the Trident renderer. The gazelle framework actually specifically talks about taking an existing browser and converting it to a "Multi-principled OS". I'd expect any new development to use this, though, which would require changes.
Reed Copsey
IMHO, they should throw it all out. The chrome part of the browser has gone downhill ever since IE6. Why mess with the back, forward, stop, refresh, home. Terrible.
Tyndall, to each his own