This does not fit the (edited) criteria of the original question, but may be useful regardless.
Use a server-side script. What you're looking for can easily be done in PHP. You'd probably want a hierarchy of documents based on language, and would look up given that. For example, a directory tree:
In PHP it's as simple as
$language = $_GET['lang'];
$page = $_GET['page'];
include($language . '/' . $page);
// URL is: /whatever.php?lang=LANGUAGE_HERE&page=PAGE_HERE
However, that has many security issues along with it. Sanitize your input and make sure the directory and file exist. Fuller example:
$contentRoot = './'; // CHANGE ME. Do include trailing /.
$defaultLanguage = 'en'; // CHANGE ME.
$defaultPage = 'home'; // CHANGE ME.
$language = $_GET['lang'];
$language = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 2);
$page = $_GET['page'];
$page = $defaultPage;
$languageDir = basename($_GET['lang']) . '/';
$pageFile = basename($page) . '.html';
if(!file_exists($contentRoot . $languageDir) || !is_dir($contentRoot . $languageDir))
$languageDir = $defaultLanguage;
$fullFileName = $contentRoot . $languageDir . $pageFile;
if(!file_exists($fullFileName) || !is_file($fullFileName) || !is_readable($fullFileName))
$pageFile = $defaultPage;
// Or, if you want to parse PHP in the file:
You may also want to use mod_rewrite
(Apache) to allow URL's such as
. (Just be sure to hide the actual page.)
// TODO mode_rewrite rules
Another approach is putting the above hierarchy into the document root and handing out URL's directly. This gives you less power (e.g. templating is more difficult), however, and you have to worry about external media being referenced properly.
If you're looking for a dynamic approach, on the client side use Javascript to fetch the data using Ajax. This is also trivial, and does not require a dynamic server backend. I recommend a Javascript framework such as jQuery to make this as easy as possible.