Following a Video tutorial on Flex, but I am inside the FlashDevelop IDE as opposed to Flex Builder.
Now, in the video they create a custom MXML Component which is simply a derived Horizontal Box.
The markup of the video tutorial to mine is the same and I have the MXML file in the same folder as the Main.MXML. I get the following build error:
C:\Flex\TwitterApp\src\TwitterApp\Main.mxml(30): Error: Definition Tweet could not be found. dataProvider="{ac}" itemRenderer="Tweet"> Build halted with errors (fcsh).
Everything else works fine, but I would like to know how to inform FlashDevelop of the MXML Component.
The source file on the Video does not reference the MXML file inside the Main.MXML at all, but i am aware that something is probably done behind the scenes in Flex Builder.
It is this I need to emulate inside FlashDevelop.