I want to change my website's header only it if's not the homepage. Is there a tal:condition expression for that?
I've been reading this and can't find what I'm looking for...
I want to change my website's header only it if's not the homepage. Is there a tal:condition expression for that?
I've been reading this and can't find what I'm looking for...
how about something like <tal:condition="python: request.URLPATH0 == '/index_html'
...>`? see TALES Built-in Names and the Zope API Reference for more choices.
I use something similar to ax:
<tal:block define="global currentUrl request/getURL" condition="python: u'home' not in str(currentUrl)">
<!-- whatever -->
The best way is to use two really handy plone views that are intended just for this purpose. The interface that defines them is at https://svn.plone.org/svn/plone/plone.app.layout/trunk/plone/app/layout/globals/interfaces.py, in case you want to check it out.
tal:define="our_url context/@@plone_context_state/canonical_object_url;
home_url context/@@plone_portal_state/portal_url;"
tal:condition="python:our_url == home_url">
The great thing about @@plone_context_state and @@plone_portal_state is that they handle all sorts of weird edge cases. context/@@plone_context_state/canonical_object_url also returns the right, most basic, object's url even when you're viewing the default page in the portal root with a query string appended :-)