



I need to iterate through SortedMap's entry set (which is a SortedSet) backwards. The code I'm writing is extremely performance-sensitive, as it's going to be called from many places thousands times per second, maybe more. Any advice on doing it the fastest way?

+2  A: 

You could define a SortedMap such as a TreeMap with a custom Comparator that reverses the sorting order. If you need to iterate in both directions, then maybe it's feasible to keep two copies of the data structure in memory?


A faster way to iterate a collection is to take an array copy of it. This can be iterated forward and backwards without creating an object or even a method call. The downside is you need to update it as well as your collection whenever it changes.

In the following example, it takes an average of 1,208 ns to iterate over 1000 element either forward or backward.

import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.NavigableSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;

Average time for iteration of 1000 elements was 1,208 ns
public class Main {
    public static void main(String... args) {

    private static void doPerfTest(boolean warmup) {
        NavigableSet<MyData> set = new TreeSet<MyData>(new MyCompataror());
        Random random = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
            set.add(new MyData("text-" + random.nextLong(), random.nextInt()));
        MyData[] myDatas = set.toArray(new MyData[set.size()]);
        long start = System.nanoTime();
        final int runs = 500 * 1000;
        for (int i = 0; i < runs; i+=2) {
            // forward iteration
            for (MyData md : myDatas) {

            // reverse iteration
            for (int j = myDatas.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                MyData md = myDatas[j];
        long time = System.nanoTime() - start;
        if (!warmup)
            System.out.printf("Average time for iteration of 1000 elements was %,d ns", time / runs);

    static class MyCompataror implements Comparator<MyData> {
        public int compare(MyData o1, MyData o2) {
            int cmp = o1.text.compareTo(o2.text);
            if (cmp != 0)
                return cmp;
            return o1.value > o2.value ? +1 :
                    o1.value < o2.value ? -1 : 0;

    static class MyData {
        String text;
        int value;

        MyData(String text, int value) {
            this.text = text;
            this.value = value;

Now replace the main loop with and the average time becomes 20,493.

// forward iteration
for(Iterator<MyData> it = set.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
    MyData md =;
// reverse iteration
for(Iterator<MyData> it = set.descendingIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
    MyData md =;

Now lets compare this with taking a copy every time (which I have stated is not as optimal as taking a copy only when changed), the time drops to 15,134 ns!

So using NavigableSet could be the slowest of the three options discussed.

Peter Lawrey
Array copy — every method call, more than 1000 times a second?! :)
Alexander Temerev
Of course. Copying an array is about the fastest thing you can do in Java. Short benchmark: Copying a SortedSet with 1000 Objects and a custom Comparator that reverses the sort order takes about 0.8 ms. And that’s not even “just” a copy but also reverses the sort order. So, yes, it’s fast.
I said "you need to update it as well as your collection whenever it changes." not every method call. And you don't need to reverse sort an array if its already sorted.
Peter Lawrey
Doing a toArray() of a sorted set with 1000 elements takes less than 14 micro-seconds (not that you should need to do this often) I don't know how you get 0.8 ms. ;)
Peter Lawrey
+4  A: 

In Java 1.6 you can use NavigableSet.

NavigableSet descendingIterator()
Steve Kuo
Yep. Specifically, using NavigableSet.descendingIterator(). Or you can use NavigableSet.descendingSet() to get a view of the elements in reverse order which is backed by the existing set.
Adam Jaskiewicz