




I am beginner for symfony. I have to configure the already developed project that is built using symfony. I changed the database information but when browse localhost/myproject/web there is nothing displayed. What can i do to configure the project in local server. I have created the database as well. Hope to get help. Thanks ..........


you need to point apache to the web folder in your symfony project. or if your project reside inside apache web root you could use:

http://localhost/myproject/web/index.php but that won't show any errors. insted of that you could use:

http://localhost/myproject/web/frontend_dev.php where frontend is the name of front controler ( this file is in web/ folder).

and if then you don't get any output look into your apache server error log to find why project isn't working.

few resolves:

when in symfony project root execute this in command prompt:

php symfony cache:clear
php symfony fix-perms

and then try url above.

more info here

Thanks deresh!! I tried to find the error log file in apache but i found no error log there. Also tried the second option but it did not work. I have changed the database info in file databases.yml of the folder config. Do i need to do anything from command prompt except database info change??
some additional info is needes: what os do you use ( win, linux, osx)? where is your apache installed? i need this info to know where the logs are
and version of symfony you use could help also. and for second option you need the right controler name ( it isn't always frontend) that you can find in projects web/ folder
Ya I'm using windows, my apache is in folder c:\wamp\apache, and the version of symfony is 1.0.9.
for symfony 1.0.x for clearing cache you should use: php symfony ccerror log should be in C:\wamp\apache\log