



With jQuery I'm retrieving positions of a sortable list using 'serialize', like this:

var order = $('ul').sortable('serialize');

The variable 'order' then receives the following:


Now how can I use this data in an ajax call?

This is how I plan to do it, but it's ugly and I can't change the parameter name 'id':


Maybe I need to unserialize, then implode the variable 'order' and assign it to just one parameter?

+1  A: 

Lets say you were ordering news items, and your page sent this to "?id[]=2&id[]=3&id[]=1&id[]=4&id[]=5" your php code.

$_POST['id'] # would be [2,3,1,4,5]

// Now we need to update the position field of these items    

foreach($_POST['id'] as $i=>$id ):
   // For our first record, $i is 0, and $id is 2.

   $post = Post::get($id); # Do you own database access here
   $post->position = $i; # Set the position to its location in the array
   $post->save(); # Save the record
Daniel Von Fange

I don't have a problem with the server side code, but I have a problem with the jQuery client site code. The question is, where do I place the 'order' variable in the script?

In the example I gave I added it as a query string:


But I would like to pass it as a parameter, just like the action parameter. The following doesn't work, it returns a syntax error:


same problem here.
+3  A: 

Found it! I needed to add the option key:'string' which changes the variable name to 'string' instead of 'id'.

var order = $('#projects ul').sortable('serialize',{key:'string'});


+2  A: 

I think the best way is not to use sortable('serialize') at all, but use jQuery to simply iterate over the sorted ids, like so:

order = [];
$('ul').children('li').each(function(idx, elm) {
$.get('ajax.php', {action: 'updateOrder', 'order[]': order});

This has an advantage over explicitly appending the serialized sortable to the URL (or a parameter) in that it doesn't include the order[] parameter at all if there are no li in the list. (When I had this problem I was using sortable(connectWith: 'ul') so it was entirely possible for a user to drag all the li from one list). In contrast appending the serialized sortable would leave an unwanted '&'.

David Waller
Thank you, this approach worked for my issue of trying to not pass it as part of the URL.

How to reverse it from last to first (ajax.php?action=updateOrder&id[]=5&id[]=4&id[]=3&id[]=2&id[]=1)?

<li id="oreder-5">5</li>
<li id="oreder-4">4</li>
<li id="oreder-3">3</li>
<li id="oreder-2">2</li>
<li id="oreder-1">1</li>

Please give the answer in
