I am trying to add a column (MSSQL 2005) to a table (Employee) with a default constraint of a primary key of another table (Department). Then I am going to make this column a FK to that table. Essentially this will assign new employees to a base department based off the department name if no DepartmentID is provided.
This does not work:
SELECT @DepartmentID = DepartmentID
FROM Department
WHERE RealName = 'RocketScience'
ALTER TABLE [Employee]
ADD [DepartmentID] INT NULL
CONSTRAINT [DepartmentIDOfAssociate] DEFAULT (@DepartmentIDAssociate)
SELECT @ErrorVar = @@Error
IF (@ErrorVar <> 0)
The Production, Test, and Development databases have grown out of synch and the DepartmentID for the DepartmentName = ‘RocketScience’ may or may not be the same so I don’t want to just say DEFAULT (somenumber). I keep getting “Variables are not allowed in the ALTER TABLE statement” no matter which way I attack the problem.
What is the correct way to do this? I have tried nesting the select statement as well which gets “Subqueries are not allowed in this context. Only scalar expressions are allowed.”
In Addition, what would be really great I could populate the column values in one statement instead of doing the
{ALTER null}
{Update values}
{ALTER not null}
steps. I read something about the WITH VALUES command but could not get it to work.