I have this view in my app:
def context_detail(request, context_id):
c = get_object_or_404(Context, pk=context_id)
scs = SherdCount.objects.filter(assemblage__context=c).exclude(count__isnull=True)
total = sum(sc.count for sc in scs)
table = []
forms = []
for a in c.assemblage_set.all():
for sc in a.sherdcount_set.all():
forms_set = set(forms)
for a in c.assemblage_set.all():
diko = {}
diko['assemblage'] = a
for f in forms_set:
for sc in a.sherdcount_set.all():
if f == sc.typename:
diko[f] = sc.count
diko[f] = 0
return render_to_response('tesi/context_detail.html',
{'context': c, 'total': total, 'sherdcounts': scs, 'table': table, 'forms': forms_set},
The aim of the two for loops would be that of creating a list of dictionaries that holds values of SherdCount.count with reference to the SherdCount.typename foreign key (and I was able to do that, even if the current code is a bit messed up).
The "table" list should contain something like this:
[{<Type: Hayes 61B>: 0, <Type: Hayes 99A-B>: 0, <Type: Hayes 105>: 0, <Type: Hayes 104A>: 0, <Type: Hayes 104B>: 0, <Type: Hayes 103>: 0, <Type: Hayes 91>: 0, <Type: Hayes 91A>: 0, <Type: Hayes 91B>: 0, <Type: Hayes 91C>: 0, <Type: Hayes 91D>: 0, <Type: Hayes 85B>: 0, <Type: Hayes 82A>: 0, <Type: Hayes 76>: 0, <Type: Hayes 73>: 0, <Type: Hayes 72>: 0, <Type: Hayes 70>: 0, <Type: Hayes 68>: 0, <Type: Hayes 67>: 0, <Type: Hayes 66>: 0, <Type: Hayes 62A>: 0, <Type: Hayes 80B>: 0, <Type: Hayes 59>: 0, <Type: Hayes 61A>: 0, <Type: Hayes 91A-B>: 0, <Type: Hayes 58>: 0, <Type: Hayes 50>: 0, <Type: Hayes 53>: 0, <Type: Hayes 71>: 0, <Type: Hayes 60>: 0, <Type: Hayes 80A>: 0, <Type: Hayes Style A2-3>: 0, <Type: Hayes Style B>: 0, <Type: Hayes Style E1>: 1, 'assemblage': <Assemblage: Brescia, Santa Giulia : non periodizzato>}, {<Type: Hayes 61B>: 0, <Type: Hayes 99A-B>: 0, <Type: Hayes 105>: 0, <Type: Hayes 104A>: 0, <Type: Hayes 104B>: 0, <Type: Hayes 103>: 0, <Type: Hayes 91>: 0, <Type: Hayes 91A>: 0, <Type: Hayes 91B>: 0, <Type: Hayes 91C>: 0, <Type: Hayes 91D>: 0, <Type: Hayes 85B>: 0, <Type: Hayes 82A>: 0, <Type: Hayes 76>: 0, <Type: Hayes 73>: 0, <Type: Hayes 72>: 0, <Type: Hayes 70>: 0, <Type: Hayes 68>: 0, <Type: Hayes 67>: 0, <Type: Hayes 66>: 0, <Type: Hayes 62A>: 0, <Type: Hayes 80B>: 0, <Type: Hayes 59>: 0, <Type: Hayes 61A>: 0, <Type: Hayes 91A-B>: 0, <Type: Hayes 58>: 0, <Type: Hayes 50>: 0, <Type: Hayes 53>: 0, <Type: Hayes 71>: 0, <Type: Hayes 60>: 0, <Type: Hayes 80A>: 0, <Type: Hayes Style A2-3>: 0, <Type: Hayes Style B>: 3, <Type: Hayes Style E1>: 0, 'assemblage': <Assemblage: Brescia, Santa Giulia : Periodo IIIA>},
But the many 0 values are obviously wrong. even though there might be some zeros (the empty cells I was referring to)
The question is, once I have built such a list, how do I create a table in the template with all the cells (e.g. 1 row per Type and 1 column per Context, with SherdCount at cells) ?